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Did you know that 17 years of therapy per day was provided in 2020 with the platform that I use for telehealth sessions? 17 years PER DAY! That is not counting other platforms available out there for counseling. Can only imagine what that number looks like. 

With the increase in counseling sought over the last months to a year, there is a shortage of providers available. Turning individuals away is something that breaks my heart, but I am only one person. So, I took some time to think about what I could do to help those seeking services.

Welcome to Seeking Calm: A Toolbox for Mental Well-Being. This bundle has been curated by yours truly to provide you a set of tools to assist you while you are trying to find a therapist, if you are on a waitlist, or are just in general trying to better yourself and your overall wellness. It does not take place of counseling at all, but is a guide to help you get started in your journey. If you do feel as if you need immediate assistance, please contact your primary care provider, call 911, or go to a local emergency room. 

This bundle consists of the following:

✨Wellness Kit: a crystal, teas, eye pillow, + candle

✨Our favorite guided meditations

✨Inspirational quotes 

✨30+ journal prompts, mood check-ins, reflections, worksheets

✨Psychoeducation about stress and it's impact on mental/physical well-being

✨Introduction to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

✨Tips to reduce stress: affirmations, coping skills

✨Mindset: Fixed vs Growth

✨Mood + Food: Nutrition tips, grocery store recommendations

✨A curated list of supplements to support mental wellness from our friends at Nutrition + Whole Health Solutions (products sold separately at NWHS)

✨Resources: Mental health support + local community providers|offerings


If you are ready to make change + start healing from within, this is a perfect opportunity. Best part of this is that you have access to the materials for a lifetime! 🙃❤️

Seeking Calm: A Toolbox for Mental Well-Being is valued at $300 + I am offering it for $89!


My goal is to help as many people as I can + hope this can provide you with some support during this challenging time. 

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